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Jazz '59 (originaly Rick's Riff)
This is such a cool song to mess about with (would be great if
ash brought it back into their live set). Though the tab isn't
that hard to play, it's hard to hear bits of it on the recording
(the guitar effect used sounds just like the piano). You'll have
to have the song playing along whilst you learn as the gtr rythems
constantly change. If anyone can work out the piano parts that would be
fantastic (I've worked it out up to the part where the guitar comes in).
Also, if someone could work out the whistling parts............!?
I've set out the tab in sections (sections of the song) to make it easier.
I'll do the bass parts 1st. There are two bass lines (I'll call them
b1 and b2). They are played at different times so you bassists out there
will just have to listen to the CD for order of play. If you are a
guitaristusing a pedal with a short record feature you can record b1
and play over that, only the ending will sound different.
^=bend up then release
( ) = alternative to previous note
' = slight pause
Gtr introduction (after bass + piano)
|-5--7--5---------------5--then do a slow 5--7trill----7-----------------7|
|-----------------9--7--5-(this varies after each set of 10's before it--|
I couldn't quite make out what came after the 10's. This was the closest.
Play this sequence 4 times
Play the 12.......bit a lot faster (listen to the song)
|-8--10--8--10--8--10--8--10-(played quiter)-------------10------|
Not too sure about the last 2 sections but near enough
The next section is hard to hear because of the piano but what I
put down seems to works
|---12(with a few bends thrown in)x6-12--12--12--17-17-15-15-|
|-12(with a few bends thrown in)x6--12--12--12--12----------------------|(slide down the neck)
|-----------------------------7'-(play next bit faster)-7--5--3-----|
Bass goes into distortion here
I can't hear the gtr just after the 5~, see what you can do
Gtr goes into a lead distortion now
|------5-5--7-7--8-x3 then-----------------------------|
|-----5-5-7-7-8-x2 then--9-9----9-------------------------9-7-----|
I think it sounds better, though, if you end on hitting the low 3
strings of an A bar-chord instead of the single note (5)
Sorry it's a bit patchy but you'll get the hang of it.
That's the badger!